Dating Tips

In this new world of dating apps, whether you’re on them or not, the landscape, behavior, and expectations in dating have changed. Most of your complaints revolve around wasted time and the extra effort that amounts to nothing.  But what we also know it’s difficult to stop swiping in hope one match will have the…

In my newsletters, I include a section called “Table for Two” to give you ideas on where you can take your LEVEL dates.  For quick reference, I’m housing them here so you can check back in whenever you need a suggestion. CLASSIC AND IMPRESSIVE You can’t go wrong with a restaurant she knows and the…

Recently I sat down at Focus TV with Dr. Erin Haskell, a life coach and thought leader, to discuss the “turmoil” among “the swipers” in other words, the confusion, and frustration created by technology that is supposed to make meeting people and dating easier and more efficient. Dating apps have created a disconnect between people. You…

Have you ever wondered why shopping for the perfect gift for someone can create a huge amount of stress? Even when you have a few ideas to start with it seems the more you look, the harder it is to find. Each time you go into a store, the pressure builds. You start to feel…

It’s not uncommon for a man to believe his perfect age difference is down ten to twenty years below his own age. The belief (although a false one) means more time to travel before marriage, less pressure to start a family or meeting a woman who hasn’t had a lot of dating and relationship experience…

The women you want to connect with are fed up with dating apps and leaving them in droves. Free dating apps were designed to give you access and options but they do the opposite. There’s a invisible barrier that’s been created making it more challenging to meet great women and we know why. THE PROBLEM:…

I have a long standing mission to help men date smarter. My greatest professional satisfaction comes from knowing I’ve made it possible for two exceptional people to find the partner that has eluded them. Top Tips for Successful LEVEL Dates 1. Relax, your date already knows you’re amazing. As a LEVEL member, you now have…

Women are expressive creatures. They love to chat with friends and family about the men they date. But to what extent?  THE NITTY GRITTY DETAILS Women tell their friends just about every detail you can imagine. Yes, women are much more expressive and descriptive about their love lives than you are. From the way you…

Your family and upbringing often influence your choices in a partner, for both good and bad, as well as your approach to relationships. As with any struggle in your life, it’s not what you’ve been through that matters, it’s how you’ve dealt with it. It’s your story and everything in your life has developed your…

  What are the ingredients for love? Is it possible for a relationship to bloom if the chemistry isn’t there? Relationships can only survive when there’s both emotional and physical chemistry. Otherwise, every nice person to come along who shares your interests would be your girlfriend or boyfriend. Chemistry is often immediate, but it can…

You’ve got options, we’re here to help you choose the right one.