Marriage Concerns

I cry at every wedding. Whether it’s a happy client tying the knot, a dear friend who’s found their happy ever after or a family member. If I’m attending, it’s going to be waterworks, for sure. Last month on a sandy beach on the Cape was no exception. Our very own Jayme Hupfer, the woman…

I’m excited to share with you 10 things I’ve learned from 10 years of marriage. But first, let me pain you a picture of my wedding day… It was a scorching hot day in late September of 2009. 105 degrees to be exact.  I said “I do” at the beautiful Regale Winery in the Santa…

At some point in any new relationship, a woman will ask to make your relationship exclusive. But, what if you’re interested in a particular woman but not sure you’re ready to shut the door on other opportunities? Does it mean there’s something missing or perhaps you’re simply enjoying being single without attachments? Why do women…

We all have a superficial wish list in a partner, but nothing superficial should ever get in the way of romance. That’s why I always tell my clients, “Throw away your list.”  We need to marry your wants with your needs, both of which are based on your values, not looks or age. My advice…

“Am I honestly ready for the responsibility of marriage?” Most people don’t think about responsibility when they think about marriage.  You are looking for companionship, unconditional love, and unwavering support.  Those things come with commitment and responsibility that should be acknowledged and respected. Being in love with someone is an amazing experience and one to…

You’ve got options, we’re here to help you choose the right one.