“Why Are You Still Single?” It’s the go-to question everyone seems to be asking (or least thinking about) on first dates. What’s your response when asked why you’re still single? Head for the exit door? Deflect the question or tell your date it’s “too soon” for such a heavy topic? If you’re looking for a…
Advice for Men
Dating apps may be free to download, but are they costing you too much? Before we dive into the cost, let’s talk about your mindset. Current studies show that 4 out of 5 singles have online dating profiles. Does this mean that you have a better chance of meeting a fantastic woman? Not necessarily. Greater…
What do you need for true compatibility with a partner? It’s more than just your attraction, chemistry and shared interests. Here’s a top 10 list to serve as your trusted guide. If you haven’t yet read Part 1 of our compatibility series, you can check it out here. In my 20 years as a successful…
Many single men and women believe that having common interests with the person they’re dating makes them a great match. Often this means neglecting their most important needs in order to satisfy the desire for an activity buddy. The truth is, people have the wrong idea about what makes two people truly compatible. So, let’s…
They say that love conquers all. But, in today’s political climate, can it overcome opposing viewpoints? Regardless of your politics, we can all agree that it’s a hot topic for most people right now. Almost everyone has an opinion and we’re not afraid to share it. We’ve seen friendships end over of our differences while…
At some point in any new relationship, a woman will ask to make your relationship exclusive. But, what if you’re interested in a particular woman but not sure you’re ready to shut the door on other opportunities? Does it mean there’s something missing or perhaps you’re simply enjoying being single without attachments? Why do women…
The speed and inefficiencies of dating apps have dashed a lot of hope out there and with this, even the kindest people skip over some basic gestures that inspire women to connect. As a professional matchmaker, I’m not a fan of dating rules but I do have a few tips to help you avoid the…
It’s a popular (yet false) belief that men need to be convinced to be in relationships while all women are ready and waiting to dive in. Not necessarily true. Women go through their own stages of readiness and although they may say they’d like to meet a great guy, their actions can prove otherwise. I recently covered this…
ARE YOU USING A DATING APP TO MEET WOMEN IN LOS ANGELES? If you’re single and dating in LA, you’ve probably tried Tinder, Bumble, even Happn? Yikes. I know what comes with that. Maybe you’re at the point where it feels like: “Finding the woman I want to spend my life with is a mission…
Ghosting. It’s a fairly new term that has spread through the single dating app market like wildfire. But, what does it really mean? Are men and women more flakey than previous generations? And if so, what happened to common decency and manners? People haven’t changed. Technology has changed. When someone disappears or “ghosts” you, your gut…