Valentine’s Day is approaching so this is the perfect time to send you inspiration in the form of an ultimate survival guide!
Whether you’re single and searching, coming out of a relationship, or currently in one, this holiday tends to create a ton of excitement…and dread.
Expectations are sky-high this time of year and with this, a lot of people are feeling left out or just plain disappointed. It’s not just women, either. Believe it or not, there are plenty of single men who are equally sad that they don’t have a special woman to kiss on this love holiday. February is generally the time of year we start hearing from an abundant number of single bachelors inquiring about LEVEL memberships. Yes, men get lonely and yes, men crave love.
If this Valentine’s Day is creating pressure in your life right now, fear not. Here are 5 survival tips to help you get through this day with flying colors.
Commercials Are For Selling
Can we all just agree that we’ve fallen into the trap of placing too much pressure on this lovely little commercial holiday? Sure, it’s sweet and offers an opportunity to express love but let’s get a handle on this, shall we? Hallmark cards, engagement ring commercials, ads for romantic gifts and all signs pointing to “shop for your lover” are everywhere. The advertising is impossible to avoid unless you’re living under a rock. So, don’t avoid it! Embrace it. It as, after all, a day of love. Don’t be a hater. Look at it for what it is and try not to let it get to you or change your natural lovely way of being. Perspective is half the battle.
Love Doesn’t Make You Whole
You’re already a complete, well-rounded woman with incredible friends and a life you love. If a current single status feels uncomfortable, get busy making the most of this valuable solo time. Next year, you could be in a great relationship with your dream guy but even the best relationships require work and extra care. Your single stop along the way is your best time for self-care. Give yourself a decadent night alone and treat yourself this Valentine’s Day to a massage, a bubble bath, and crank up the stereo. Dance in your living room and feel how good it feels to be an independent woman charting her own course without compromise. Get busy making plans that make you happy instead of holding your breath and waiting for someone special to accompany you. The woman who feels complete on her own is the most sought-after person to build a powerful, co-partnership with.
Celebrate Who You Love
Valentine’s Day can be the perfect time to meet up with a group of friends for dinner or plan a fun dinner at home. Send a card to a girlfriend you adore who might be feeling lonely right now. Take a family member out to lunch or dinner. Whatever you do, don’t hide in your living room in your jammies with a pizza and Netflix. Get out there and show everyone YOUR idea of love day. Celebrate the love in your life and you’ll attract more of what you desire. Healthy, relationship-minded men are seeking women who are happy and generous with their love…and not just when they’re in a relationship.
Manage Your Expectations
For all couples, this can be a challenging time. You might be waiting to see what your partner is planning and hoping for the best. You find yourself chatting with friends and judging the relationship by how special your Valentine’s Day plans are. Sadly, some relationships hang in the balance while awaiting the choice in restaurant, gift or weekend getaway. As if the entire value of the relationship is contingent upon this night. So, if you’re with a man who isn’t a great planner (hello… I married that guy), get over your ego and step up to make a plan that you’d like. Remember, it’s a couples day, not your day. It doesn’t mean you’re not special and loved simply because Valentine’s Day was more of an afterthought. Yes, there are those rare and special men that absolutely love this day so if you’re in a relationship with a romantic, good for you!
Even our LEVEL™ members need their own Valentine’s Day Survival Guide so I’m sending them something just a bit different to help them with their questions and concerns. For now, just keep the focus on you. Assess and value your relationship by the positive things he does throughout the year, not just on one day.
Don’t Hold Back
Have plans with a new man in your life for the week of Valentine’s Day but not sure what it might mean to have a date? I’ve seen a lot of singles cancel plans or push them off to the following week just to ensure that the wrong messages weren’t sent. Don’t fall into this trap. Do what you want to do and forget the time of year. In fact, it’s a great ice breaker. No need to ignore the elephant in the room. It’s more than ok to be cute and say, “Well, it is Valentine’s Day. Sure, I’ll have dinner with you but you just might fall in love with me with all the romance in the air.” Men appreciate women who are direct, easygoing and know how to have a sense of humor in awkward situations.
And finally… we’ve all been taught the power of gratitude. The more you thank the universe for what you have, the more the universe will provide. Love is no different. Therefore, the pure emotion and expression of love in any form can exponentially grow if you recognize and embrace what exists right now in your life. Be grateful for past relationships for all they have given and taught you. Do this long enough and you’ll soon see how quickly your dating life shifts. Every relationship you’ve had no matter the length of time has been a valuable experience in your life. Learn, grow, embrace all of it.
How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? Single or not, have you discovered a way to make it a day you look forward to? Share with your girlfriends who could benefit from this conversation!
Wishing you new beginnings and lasting relationships,
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