Do Men Like it When Women Make the First Move?

via instagram @lulus

From the moment a woman finds herself interested in a guy, she starts contemplating how to get his attention. Her instincts tell her to make a move, but then a little voice in her head warns that the strategy could backfire. A swirl of conflicting dating advice starts circling through her mind. Does it have to be this convoluted?

Here are 3 notes of affirmation to give both men and women confidence and clarity on approaching someone new:

  1. Be you. Be authentic and true to your nature.
  2. Do what you want to do, not what you think someone expects you to do.
  3. Focus on what truly makes you stand out. (Here’s a hint: It’s not your “moves.”)

Men appreciate it.

When a woman expresses interest, men don’t feel so pressured.  Your first move makes introductions and dating more enjoyable and inspires men to pursue in return. However, I want to caution you to never “put on” any kind of behavior. Whatever you do has to come your centered ability to be open and express yourself with honesty and transparency.

Assess the situation first.

Women who aggressively pursue men who clearly aren’t interested always end up looking bad and feeling even worse. It’s not about the sexual attention you give, it’s about having sensitivity and awareness of who you are, who you’re with, and how he feels about you.

The beautiful thing about men and women is that everyone is unique, therefore what someone desires (or doesn’t) depends greatly on that individual. This is why I never give one size fits all dating advice. There’s already too much of that out there and it’s confusing women about their dating lives.

The good news.

When men are looking for a relationship they aren’t looking for mystery when it comes to gauging your interest. So, next time you like a guy, say so. Pay him a compliment. Smile and tell him you think he’s terrific and handsome. That’s more than enough of a green light for any guy!

Meet someone on your LEVEL.

Making a move can be challenging, which is why both men and women love LEVEL.  While you are living your life, we are meeting people on your behalf and matching you because WE KNOW you should be introduced.  No guesswork, just say yes to the date and be open to someone you know shares your values.

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