A Good Reason to Always Be on Your Best Behavior.

It’s vital you keep your dating reputation squeaky clean. The dating world (and the city you live in) is smaller than you think. Word travels fast and it spreads like wildfire.

Women share everything. They drill down to the most microscopic details with their girlfriends during their post date feedback. A woman will praise you, see your depth, appreciate your sensitivity, and applaud your character. That same gossip can turn upside down if her report is negative. Her voice is the same megaphone!

Men talk about women when given the opportunity. If a man gets wind that his buddy is going on a date with a woman he knows, he will spill his honest thoughts.


The lesson here is to always be attentive, kind, and engaging even if you’re not interested in seriously dating the person sitting across the table from you.

  • Be interested, even if you’re not interested.

Part of what makes you a great potential partner is your ability to be engaging. Not interested in seeing him again? You still should be YOU. If you’re known to be kind, funny, inquisitive in your circle of friends than be that woman 24/7 and not just with the man you want. Besides, it takes more energy to appear disengaged than to enjoy a fun conversation.  You also might have just met a new friend on this date, IF you smile instead of pout.

  •  Be a gentleman/lady.

I once asked a client why he didn’t walk his date to her car after dinner. “I wasn’t interested” was his answer. Wrong choice. The very next week I had the perfect girl to introduce to him but couldn’t convince her to say yes. She was close friends with the gal he had gone out with a week prior. His reputation quickly became: “Not a gentleman.” Bad PR kept him from meeting a great girl. Enough said.

  • Make it about HIM/HER.

You know the saying, “People won’t remember what you said, but they’ll remember how you made them feel.” The same goes for dates. You’ll get more points for making her feel great about who she is than spending your time trying to get her like you by impressing her. Don’t worry. If you’re out with the right woman, she’ll be doing the same for you.

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