You know plenty of miserable married couples. You even know happily married people who desperately want your life. Why? Let’s break own 10 reasons to embrace being single:
1. Meet new people all the time.
Dating is simply relating and the more you relate for the sake of connection, the happier and more relaxed you look and feel.
2. Flirt.
Without the worry of making your husband or partner jealous.
3. Accept impromptu dinner invitations and last minute brunches with your friends
Without checking in with your partner.
4. Feel the first kiss bliss.
Those sparks are priceless. You never get this initial feeling back again once you’re married. Enjoy it while you can!
5. Walk around all day with butterflies when you meet someone new you like.
Butterflies are replaced by comfort and deep love later on which is the goal, but for now, skip through your day and feel like you’re 15 again!
6. Enjoy your independence.
Wind in your hair kind of feeling.
7. Travel on a moment’s notice.
With anyone you feel like.
8. Accept your dream job in a new city or country.
No one is holding you back from your personal goals.
9. Furnish your house the way YOU like it.
Paint the living room brick red! It’s yours baby! Check out one of my favorite interior design companies here.
And the best part of being single:
10. Explore the depths of your soul, learn every corner of your own heart, define your needs, values and your personal boundaries.
Having the time and space to do this while your single is a gift so don’t waste this time.
Keep growing. Study yourself. Study others. Date without intention, strategy or goals. Appreciate your encounters and relationships no longer how long they last. They’re your stepping stones to the man you’re going to end up with. Love your single days! They don’t last, and one day you just might miss them!
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