Chemistry has nothing to do with how much two people have in common or how physically appealing they are to the other person. A great date has two main ingredients: physical and emotional chemistry. If you’re not creating emotional chemistry on a date, you’re not dating, you’re just exchanging information.
Chemistry is an active process of connection, and it requires your participation.
One way to inspire chemistry is to make it your goal to bring out the best in someone you meet. Instead of asking questions that are your way of qualifying them in terms of your own agenda, focus on what you believe truly matters to the other person. Listen to their responses and watch their behavior. If their eyes light up and their energy rises, continue down that path and see where it leads you. Think of it this way, we all want to be around the people, places, and things where WE feel our best.
Another way to inspire chemistry is to be vulnerable. Vulnerability has gotten a bad rap, but it’s a powerful quality. Telling you how to be vulnerable is a little bit like telling you how to feel or to breathe. It needs to become instinctive. Being vulnerable is about being open, ready to share, and willing to give and receive. Harnessing this quality takes some personal work to make you ready for a connection and considerate of someone else in your life.
Learn how to create chemistry and you’ll be more apt to find a true partner while making dating more rewarding no matter the outcome of each date/relationship.
Creating chemistry can be easier when your date has been vetted before you meet. With a LEVEL date, you know your values align before you ever say hello. In a conversation, once you find a point of value, not interest, but value, both of your eyes will light up and energy will rise naturally. The first step to this great date: apply to join and meet someone on your LEVEL.
Such refreshing advice. Taking ownership of chemistry and realizing just how powerful we are in drawing our (future or present) partner, closer to us.